We are happy to share with you our Impact Report 2023, which highlights the key achievements and milestones we achieved during the third year of activity of the Tech To The Rescue Foundation.

As an organization dedicated to harnessing the power of technology for good, we have continued to spearhead initiatives aimed at addressing pressing global challenges. From promoting digital literacy and education to supporting sustainable development efforts, the foundation’s impact spans a wide range of critical areas and activates the tech industry to engage in meaningful digital projects and support nonprofits pro-bono. 

What’s inside? 

  • Key milestones
    • Tech for Syria and Türkiye Campaign
    • 2 Tech for Good Hackathons
    • Launch of the Tech for Crisis Response Unit
  • 20 inspiring Tech for Good Stories
  • Testimonials from our funders AWS, Google.org, Twilio and the Lenovo Foundation
  • A sneak peek into our upcoming campaigns


The release of our Tech To The Rescue Foundation’s Impact Report 2024 serves as a testament to our organization’s commitment to making a meaningful difference through technology. With a focus on innovation, collaboration, and social impact, we striove to inspire and empower changemakers around the globe with digital solutions which help to solve the world’s most pressing problems.

Want to know more? Go to the Report page!
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